I went into business for myself 4 and a half years ago. In fact it was the first time I even had 2 planned days off in a row. It was super stressful preparing to make sure my business was prepared for my absence but fuck it I was going to Spring Training for St Patrick’s Day no less!
Now vacation hadn’t really started because I was beerless
but we hit up the Chickie’s in the terminal to change all that. I know what
your thinking but I would have loved to go elsewhere but the other “bar” had
Coors Light, Miller Lite and Bud. Blah! So the thief got a bit of my money as I
got the Victory Crabby Ale. After a few, we headed to the gate. The guy in
front of us in line handed me 2 drink vouchers for the ride. Nice! He did the
same for the guy in front of him but then the kid came clean and said he was
underage. So rather than put them back in his wallet he said “Here’s 2 for the
ride home.” They came in handy as
Southwest had Fat Tire cans as an in-flight option. Other than the old had who
was asking the dumbest questions at the car rental counter and holding us up,
our travel went on without a hitch.
We stayed at the Safety Harbor Resort & Spa. The rooms
were really nice but finding your way around was like fumbling thru a corn
maze. By the time we found our room, I was good for nothing. And I’d rather
have gotten a good nights rest as our trip package included “Brunch with the Broadcasters”
the next morning. I heard grumblings that the weather was going to rain on
March 17. The news said 80% chance. No big deal, it rains all the time in Florida .
I woke up with plenty of time to get the brunch over at
Bright House Field in our rent-a-car, just not in our rent-a-car that was dead.
WTF?!?!?!! The problem with having a
dead battery at a hotel is that everyone that walks by has a rental and no
cables, so I ran down to the lobby and BINGO! They have cables, but have no
idea where they are. Fortunately, the hotel grounds crew had cables and helped
us out. On our way, we got there a half hour late. They were going through the stadium
giveaways, so we grabbed a mimosa and a plate and ate in the other room. Paul
Hagen from the Daily News passed thru and said hello so that was cooler than
seeing the Phanatic sunglasses anyway. A lady handed me my raffle ticket which I
thought they’d give some of the freebees away. Matt Stairs, Murph and TMac talked for a bit
and then answered a few questions from the fans. All pretty generic except when
Stairs said he “didn’t make enough to play everyday” He tried to save himself
but the laughter just helped him drown. Then the raffle. Scott Palmer
encouraged everyone to get out their tickets as the first prize was an
autographed Chase Utley ball. “8-8-3-9-ohhhh-“ For fucks sakes just let it be 3 already! “Three!”
BOOM! I won. Made being late worth it. The broadcaster stuck around a bit to
talk, take pictures, and sign autographs.
We were able to go into the stadium and walk around and take pictures which was nice especially since we hit up the store before the crowds came in. It got mobbed once the gates opened. The day was nice bright and sunny. A tad windy but a welcome exchange for the freezing cold and snow of
After the game, we hit up the Brown Boxer for dinner. It was a good place with a nice craft beer selection and pretty good food. Later, we hit up a couple of local bars in Safety Harbor BarFly and Nolan’s Pub. I wouldn’t have been surprised if Jon Taffer walked in either one. Both had good beer selections tho. At least Barfly had glassware. By the time we got back to the hotel the chance of rain for Monday had gotten to 90% and pretty much said it was going to be a washout.

Now what to do? We went back to the hotel but the indoor
pools and Jacuzzi were off limits because of the lightning. We headed down to
Nolan’s but they were closed. What kind of Irish bar doesn’t open until 5 on St
Patrick’s Day? Oh well, we grabbed a
bite to eat and went there later. It wasn’t much better. Their entertainment
was a guy with a guitar playing cover songs. He barely managed to squeeze in a
U2 song. Meh. The fact they had a scantily dressed female leprechaun kinda made
it worth it.
Tuesday morning, we went to Lenny’s. I’ve always heard it’s
the place to go for breakfast in Clearwater .
It was packed, but not much of a wait to get seated. There was a plethora of Phillies
hats, shirts and jerseys amongst the patrons. You’d think you were in Philly. The
food was great and the service was even better. It’s definitely a “must” if you
go down.
One last stop before we hit the airport, Cigar City
is a microbrew in Tampa .
I’ve had a few of their beers before so I was glad to be able to make it there.
No tours on Tuesdays but their tasting room was open so that was fine by me.
They had 20 or so of their beers on tap and a few from other breweries. It was
a good stop so good I was worried about them letting me on the plane. LOL
A quick stop at another airport bar and we headed back to
Philly. Overall, it was a good trip. Expectations may have been unrealistic but
it was totally worthwhile. I can’t wait for next year. Hit me up if you have
any questions.
See ya at the ballpark (in Philly)!
Jay Wrizight
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